Tuesday 17 July 2012

Is It a Dot Net or Dot Com Domains Name ... - domain name exchange

Posted in domain name exchange by admin - Jul 16, 2012

Which domains name extensions are popular? Is it a dot net or dot com? This is debated on the forums, blogs and yahoo answers. Obviously dot com extension is commonly used. Ask people about websites and most of them will mention a dot com even if the website they?re referring to is not a dot com but a dot net.

So the reality is that a dot com extension is the most popular followed by dot net and others. Now you realize that choosing your domain name extension wisely is very important. For many years all we had was dot com, dot gov and dot edu, but today we have several new extensions showing up. Talk of dot me, dot asia, and I happen to hear rumors about a dot african.

If I were to register domains name today, then selecting a dot com will be my first priority. What about you? However, getting a good dot com name is not all that easy. It is being said that all the good dot com names are all registered. Do we have a solution then? Yes, we can snatch the expired ones that the owners have not renewed. In fact, some online entrepreneurs have become successful through acquiring expired names.

Domains name are always in demand. People from all walks of life are building their own websites and a domain is a must to make this possible. For one it may be an online store for others the motivation is an online brochure. Not that one is any better than the other is; each has its place in online marketing. In fact, today a website is a very important part of all businesses and naming the website is must.

Truthfully it is almost as important as naming a child. This means you want to take some time in choosing your website domain name. Branding is incredibly important and the name you choose today will stay with you and the business as long as you continue operations.

Once you have decided to create a website, it is important to note some of the necessary steps for creating the best website name. You should understand a website name carries a lot of weight on the internet. You want something that is easily remembered and catchy, right?

Believe it or not, the best way to choose a website domain name is to incorporate your business name in the title. This may be the best tip you ever receive when it comes to choosing your website name. Most people who have a company offline will try to use that name as domain name, this way people instantly know who and what they?re dealing with.

Moreover, you should think about the content of your business (website). Your domain name should adequately describe. Have you ever been frustrated by finding domains name that have nothing to do with the content on the page? Of course, there is always the concern on whether your content can be categorized in an online directory, like http://DMOZ.org, based upon the domain. You might also want to consider when to include words that are spelled differently in different areas of the world, for example color and colour. If you want to avoid confusing your potential visitors, you should register both versions of the name.

Of course, you have to be cautious using a website domain name that another company has already chosen but with another extension, this strategy can backfire. It is better to have a unique domain name for your online business.

About the Author

If you want to find easily available domain names that have expired, then click this link to get to the page that lists the ten most good names on a daily basis. You may snatch your ideal name from the list.

Source: http://www.diablogger.com/archives/369

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