Sunday 15 July 2012

The Importance of Car Insurance | Reference and Education

Many people believe they are immune to car accidents, and therefore decide to save money by skipping out on car insurance, however this could end up being the most expensive decision of your life! Although many people will never file an insurance claim, this is not something you can predict. Car accidents occur every day, many times to the safest of drivers. Here are ten excellent reasons why you should not operate a vehicle without car insurance.

Without car insurance, you could drive around worried about who is following you, if there are cops around, or whom you are driving by. If your attention isn?t completely on the road it leaves you open to an accident.

It isn?t only you who can be affected! If you cause a wreck and are without car insurance, you may potentially leave the other driver without access to medical care.

If you haven?t had insurance for a while, you may feel the need to lie on your car insurance application. Any proven falsification of information can result in your car insurance being revoked or claims going unsettled.

If you are caught driving without proper car insurance, you could lose your license and face hefty fines.

It is against the law to operate a vehicle without car insurance.

If today you do not have the funds to purchase an additional vehicle, you would be left without any type of transportation if your car were totaled or stolen. Insurance could help you replace your car.

Also, getting a ticket for driving without car insurance could put you into the ?high-risk? category of drivers. This means once you do decide to get car insurance, your premiums will be significantly higher for many car insurance agencies.

Operating a vehicle without car insurance coverage can leave you liable for third party claims if you were to be involved in an accident.

Often times, people are charged higher premiums if they have an unexplained break in car insurance coverage. Even if you never got in a wreck, this could disqualify you from any ?no claims? discounts or continuous coverage discounts an agency may offer.

Also, if you were to be college with an uninsured driver, and didn?t have insurance yourself, you would not be covered through personal liability insurance. You would be required to pay for your medical care through other means, and that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!

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