Monday 23 July 2012

Business And The Computer Virus

While computers have allowed businesses to operate far more efficiently than they did in the past and have allowed productivity to be streamlined, there are some negatives that come along with depending on computers and/or a network for business. Perhaps the biggest issues of all stems from Malware, spyware, and viruses.

Businesses should never take any of the aforementioned threats lightly. In doing so they open themselves, their network, and even their employees to a number of different issues that can cost a company time, money, morale, and of course clients. There's also the issue of liability should a businesses computers or network pass on something that causes another company or individual computer problems.

While there are many free programs that work well for individual computer users at home, businesses must be more stringent in their efforts to stop infections from ever being allowed into their networks. Fortunately advancing technologies have made antivirus software extremely affordable to even the largest and smallest of businesses.

Perhaps best of all however is the automation that comes along with many modern antivirus programs. Businesses can now hire an outside computer firm to not only install specialized software on their network that stops these infections at the door but it also sees the same firms monitoring their networks for infections from offsite locations. This means that business networks can be watched constantly for problems meaning there will be far fewer to deal with if any need to be dealt with at all.

Should you be a business owner or manager interested in an affordable yet modern antivirus software/program be sure to contact us and that we may be of assistance.

TH2 specializes in

Orange County IT Support, Orange County Computer Services and Orange County Computer Support.


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