Friday 8 February 2013

WILDSTAR ONLINE Launch Window Announced + New Videos ...

WILDSTAR ONLINE Launch Window Announced + New Videos & Art!

Feb 6, 2013


Carbine Studios has officially announced the launch window for their upcoming MMO WildStar Online, plus they?ve released three new videos and new concept art!


Today is a big day for MMO fans! Carbine Studios, the developer behind one of the most anticipated MMO?s of 2013 (and 2012 for that matter) ? WildStar Online ? has officially announced the target release window for the game! One again Executive Producer, Jeremey Gaffney, has taken to the official WildStar Online blog to give fans a massive State of the Game update! He covers a boat load of topics from combat, to leveling, to end game, to dynamic environments and more. You can read the full State of the Game address here, it?s worth a read for sure.

One of the more notable revelations from today?s address was in regards to the upcoming Beta for WildStar Online. While we did not get any exact dates, Mr. Gaffney did allude to a timeline that is essentially, just around the corner saying:

?we?ve invited select fans and critics to come to the first Arkship event being held at Carbine. We not only want them to try out the current state of the game and help get it ready for closed beta in the upcoming months ? but also lend their opinions, feedback, and criticisms to our team here in California.


We?ll be at PAX East in Boston this March, and we?re bringing the latest and greatest version of WildStar for anyone to get their hands on. After that, well?

Based on that, it sounds to us like a closed beta is only several months away! He also went on to talk about the release window for WildStar Online. Again, there was no specific date, but 2013 was officially confirmed. With a beta coming in several months, we?re guessing we might actually see a launch sometime in the fourth quarter of this year! Speaking about the launch window Jeremy said:

We?ve always been focused on launching WildStar when it?s ready, but we think that time?s approaching fast. And so today, I?m very freakin? excited to share with you that our schedules are pointing towards WildStar hitting ?It?s Ready? this year: 2013. We meant it when we said that this was going to be The Year of WildStar, and that begins right now.

It should be noted though, that there was a caveat to this statement. It?s all dependent on player feedback and play testing results. WildStar Online has excellent community involvement, something we?ve mentioned many times in the past here on Muchmore Gaming, and if players don?t feel the game is ready then it won?t be released.

New Videos & Screenshots

Along with the news from today?s State of the Game address we also got our hands on three new videos and some shiny new concept art! You can check all of them out below. Enjoy!

The Exile Faction: Comprised of a loose group of cast-offs and mercenaries (best described by a human member of the Exiles in this introductory video), the Exiles were forced from their home planets and banded together out of necessity. They were the first to settle Nexus.

The Explorer Path: The choice for map completionists and in-game orienteers. The Explorer Path is all about getting to that high peak and areas others can?t reach. The particulars of the Explorer are explained in this Choose Your Path video.

The Soldier Path: Designed to cater to players who prefer combat gameplay. Soldiers are given special path-specific quests and actions that provide a varied combat experience, as outlined in the in this Choose Your Path video.

Deradune: A new zone full of savage wildlife, both native and introduced. It?s the starting zone for a new race that we?ll be learning more about next week.

WildStar Online ? Deradune Concept Art


In the coming weeks we?ll have even more information about the Dominion and the races that make up that faction in WildStar Online!

What do you think about today?s big WildStar Online news? Let us know in the comments below or talk about it on our forums!

Tags: Arkship, beta, Carbine Studios, closed beta, combat, concept art, Deradune, Dominion, Exile Faction, Exiles, Explorer, Explorer Path, Jeremy Gaffney, MMO, MMORPG, NC Soft, Nexus, PAX, PAX East, races, raid, screenshot, Soldier, Soldier Path, Video, WildStar, WildStar Online, WildStar Wednesday


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