Wednesday 6 February 2013

Video: Sideshow: GOP gaffes continue with remarks about the ?ethnically-challenged?

>>> back to "hardball." now to a super "sideshow." if you have watched david letterman lately you may have caught two things, a joke about mitt romney 's money, lots of those jokes, and a fat joke about chris christie of new jersey. last night was no different, except governor christie was actually on the program. let's watch.

>> i have made jokes about you not just one or two, not just ongoing here and there, intermittent but --

>> i didn't know this was going to be this long. we've kept track in my office, and you're up to 362,000, and that's just on the fat jokes . here are two of them we particularly light. first one is celebrity birthday today. chris christie turned 50. he blew out the candles on his cake and he wished for another cake. $1 billion will be spent on potato chips for super bowl sunday and that's just at governor christi's house.

>> that's what ambitious politicians have to do, be good sports.

>>> missouri's house speaker signed on to a petition in 2009 alleging that president obama 's not a u.s. citizen . recently jones was asked the obvious question. what was he thinking? and while you're watching, see if you recognize this set, the tv set here.

>> for a while you were part of a lawsuit that ended up being dismissed in federal court alleging that president obama might not be a legitimate candidate because he might not have been born in the united states . i mean, having looked at that, i guess my initial question with all due respect is how could someone who is a public servant put their name on something that ridiculous? that's just completely off the wall and delusional, isn't it?

>> well a constituent of mine, a personal constituent of mine, asked me to look at the situation. for a long time the president did not want to produce that documentation. he eventually did. he prodoused a certificate of live birth and i have been satisfied with that production.

>> well, a personal constituent asked him to look into the issue and his logical next step was signing on to participate with the lawsuits. the queen of the birthers, orally tate. todd akin made his legitimate rape comments on the same show.

>>> americans for prosperity backed by the koch brothers held what they call a citizen watch dog training course for michigan residents. one of the suggests was school choice with an emphasis on creating more charter schools . norman hughes , a tea party patriots member and a speaker at the event, made the case that charter schools don't tend to favor well-off students at the expense of their underprivileged peers. take a listen, however, courtesy of the liberal advocacy group progress michigan.

>> kids aren't going to charter schools if they're "a" students. they go to charter schools because they're failing students, and by and large the charter schools have a higher percentage of poor families, ethnically challenged families.

>> what is an ethnically challenged family? ethnically challenged? challenged by your ethnicity to what, by what? this is what prompted karl rove to start his new project, to stop offensive comments like frf defining the republican party . ethnically challenged.

>>> finally -- i'm sure that runs really well with people who are minorities. here is an endorsement from bill clinton for betty white .

>> it's important to have a leader who has won the respect and affection of our nation in the way betty has. after all, she's gained praez all the way from president obama to george w. of course, i'm talking about president barack obama and george washington . and i know the position would come naturally to betty as she has lived for so long in a place called the white house .

>> wow. i think the president ought to go out and get a hamburger. he's getting a little skinny. and that was taped for what nbc is calling betty white 's second annual 90th birthday special which airs tonight on nbc. she recently turned 91. president obama , by the way, taped his own birthday video for last year's betty white event.

>>> up next, conservatives are hitting back against karl rove who thinks he and not the voters should be picking best candidates for senate and other high offices. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. meet

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