Thursday 3 January 2013

Self Improvement And Empowerment Blog: Even You Need to be ...

Is it possible to Mother yourself when Mom's not available or nearby? I say yes. I think the best thing your mother can do for you is to teach you how to mother and nurture yourself. But let's face it - it's a skill, a talent and a gift. Doing this kind of self care requires commitment like that of a mother. But as an adult it is the #1 thing you need to become adept at.

This Mother's Day while showering or being showered by attention think of how you can become more self reliant in the self nurturing arena.

Secrets to Get YOU Started on Your Nurturing Journey:

Secret #1 -Reflect: Do you have time to reflect and think things through or are you always harried, frazzled and stressed? Well if you spend most of your days in this anxiety prone state you will not be on the road to long term health.

Learning to slow down and say no to all the distractions which take you away from your true self - your true core - will re-generate and honor your beautiful nature and soul.

Sounds like foreign territory? You must learn to nurture yourself by creating time without pressure (one of my new mottos) and taking the time to give to yourself - even just a little.

Secret #2 - Journal: I love to write I find it a source of grounding, clarity and a place where my imagination can run free. I get to work things out on paper. It's a safe and uncrowded place for me to explore and be as honest as I possibly can with myself. I know you may not find this easy to do and may in fact run from the mere mention of sitting down to write out your deep and most private thoughts. You scream out "I have no time, someone might read it, and I'm not much of a writer." Start with small steps. Remember this is a place to get to know yourself better. To get you started you may want to pick up the classic "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.

Secret #3 Allow Others to do for YOU: Alert, alert! You can not do it all by yourself! I mean you can but at what price? Do you want to constantly feel rundown while feeling virtuous about accomplishing a feat you had set out to do single handedly? Wouldn't you like to have a team helping you out all the way to the finish line? Did you know collaboration comes very naturally to women and is so much more rewarding. Women actually crave it. Better satisfy this craving that your sweet tooth. Your "team or helpers" will also feel special contributing. They will feel a part of something and have a real sense of belonging. Let them! Let go of any martyr or a saint tendencies. Come to terms with the fact that you are a mere mortal with needs and an ability to ask for help (always!).

Secret #4 Make yourself Important: But don't take yourself too seriously. Don't dismiss any thoughts or ideas you have. Value them all - they are a part of you. The worst thing you can do is attack, criticize or demean yourself in any way. You want to be supportive of yourself at all times just like a nurturing mother would be.

Secret #5 Take a Bath: Nothing like a warm, sudsy, comforting, candle-lit bath at the end of a day that says "I love me"! No I don't mean in a narcissistic way but in a loving, mothering, and accepting way.

The warmth of this simple yet soothing activity will go a long way. You will feel calmer, more relaxed and you will sleep better, too. Your calming brain chemicals, specifically Serotonin and Gaba, will be activated ensuring a deep and restful sleep.

Monika Klein, BS, CN. is an award winning clinical nutritionist and weight loss expert. Monika is the "Compassionate and Practical Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach." Her company, Coaching For Health, offers life transforming weight loss and wellness programs, classes and products throughout the world. To learn more about Monika's services and programs, visit Providing useful self development, self empowerment and self esteem tips and reviews online.


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