Wednesday 16 January 2013

ESPN?s Stuart Scott battling cancer again


ESPN anchor Stuart Scott said on Monday that he will undergo more chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

On Twitter, the ESPN anchor said, ?I?m back in the fight. C reared its head again. Chemo evry 2 weeks, but I?ll still work, still work out.?

Scott was not available for immediate comment. ESPN spokesman Mike Soltys said Scott ?plans to continue to work the best he can around his treatments.?

Scott also has some pretty strong feelings about Lance Armstrong.

In a word, he?s ?grateful.? But it has nothing to do with the controversy swirling around the famed cyclist. Instead, it?s about Scott?s battles against cancer.

On the same day that Armstrong confessed to doping in a taped interview with Oprah Winfrey, Scott paid homage to Livestrong, the charity Armstrong founded to support cancer patients.

Asked how he feels about Armstrong now, Scott responded via Twitter that he felt

?the same as before.?

?I?m 1 of millions of (cancer) survivors he?s helped. #grateful.?

Scott fell ill in 2007 and underwent an emergency appendectomy during which doctors found a malignancy. He later underwent chemotherapy. At the time, doctors indicated they were confident they had removed the cancerous tissue. Scott said at the time that he?s

?not the type of guy to let this eat up my life.?

In 2011, Scott announced on Twitter that he was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, but he did not disclose more details.

Keep Scott in your prayers.



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