Thursday 24 May 2012

The Social Media Path - Leontanner68's blog

Social Media Path May is already upon us so that means this is now my fifth guest post of the year. ? I?m so happy that they?ve been so well received and you all have been enjoying these fabulous bloggers.

Today?s post is from the lovely Donna Merrill who is streamlining her way in social media. She also has another fabulous talent but I?ll let her share that with you.

I?m so happy to have her with us today so take it away Donna?

Hi I?m Donna Merrill of I?ve developed a successful online business primarily by walking along the social media path.

I have been a practicing clairvoyant for about 30 years. I first hung my shingle outside a brick and mortar shop that has now turned into a phone and Skype business. Clairvoyant consultations are my primary passion and I maintain a very active practice to this day.

Recognizing the financial state so many of my clients were in, inspired me to do something about it. I wanted to introduce folks to a ?back door? alternative to their J.O.B. For those who had gone beyond the employment thing, I wanted to show them how to take their passion in life and manifest it. This is when I discovered the immense power and liberating empowerment of Internet Marketing.

The Beginning Of My Online Journey

I took many courses and spend tons of money learning my way around the Internet Marketing universe. I started my own blog and focused on the needs of ?newbies? coming into the fold. I just wanted to make it an easier, friendlier place for them to start their own business.

So I kind of tumbled into this new world because of my clients. It was like ?Donna to the rescue on her white horse? ha ha. But , truthfully, this was the source of my inspiration.

Fast forward 2 years. As I morphed into the fascinating niche of Social Media, I grew my online business exponentially. Now I?m coaching ?solo-preneurs? to establish online businesses of their own. More and more, I?m finding people with offline businesses are coming to realize how important it is to have their business on the internet.

One of my clients, for instance, is a home decorator. She depends on a specific geographical radius within which she can work. During a consultation, I suggested that she develop an online presence. She hired someone to build her a blog and all the social site connections. Now, she has become an online decorating consultant, her clients are located all over the globe, and her income has skyrocketed.

That gives me joy. That is why I wake up in the morning. To see others prosper and be happy.

Advice From An Expert

The best advice I can give anyone doing business online is this. If you apply your skills and talents to a higher purpose, whether it be for your followers, your network marketing team? or to fulfilling your own special dream? you will be far more successful than you could ever be by working for profit and income first, and passion only as an afterthought (at best).

The other key to success is to Never push or manipulate people into buying whatever you sell, be it a product, your talents or services. Instead, using social media platforms, put your efforts in getting to know people. Give them good content. Whatever you learn? turn around and teach it. Even if you take a learning nugget for granted, there are those out there who will appreciate it.

And never forget this: People buy People! They don?t want your product, talent or service. They want ?you?. Keep that mindset when you are writing on any platform. Be yourself and that is the best way to make close connections and build trust. I attribute this principle, above all others, to my own success with Internet Marketing.

So, where do my online clients come from?

Yup?I know that is the question in your mind as you are reading this.

The answer is simple: Mainly, through contacts I?ve made in Social Media.

Using the various Social Media platforms is only part of the whole puzzle. But I am convinced it is the MOST important part.

The Other Parts

Now, other parts of the puzzle are important, too. Creating a list is a critical piece. Your list is golden. It is absolutely essential to growing a business, as opposed to making a ?quick buck?.

Once you have your list, you can offer subscribers your products and/or services, valuable information, and highly relevant content. Mostly, you always maintain close relations with them.

But my experience has been that there is no better way to create a client/customer list than through Social Media. When you?ve established a reputation in the social platforms?what internet marketers call ?social proof?, you?ve got a real connection and relationship with people who end up on your list. You attract them to your list because of what they see you doing online. You don?t have to look for them, you don?t have to sell anything to them, or convince them to do something.

Having established your cache of social capital, people will see you. You become the commodity, not what you have to sell. There is no better way to build a real and lasting business online.

So get out there, give all you can to establish your own social proof, and I?ll see you along The Social Media Path.

And Now For You

Have you all had the pleasure of meeting Donna? ?Every time I read her posts I learn something new. See, I didn?t know it all. ?Not by a long shot.

If you have any questions or something you?d like to share, Donna will be dropping by to read all your wonderful comments. ?She?s here to help you so grab her knowledge while you can.

Be sure to stop by her blog too and check out her content. ?I have a feeling you?re going to learn a lot.

Looking forward to hearing from you all so please be sure to comment and don?t forget to share this post with your friends on all the social networking sites. ?They just might learn something too?

Donna Merrill

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