Monday 21 May 2012

Come Home To Me (OOC)

Name: Regina Marylou Williamson
Age: Twenty-five
Personality: Regina has a confidence that spills over, and a lightness that brightens a room. Regina is the kind of girl that never sits still, there are only some sheer bliss moment when she is calm and collected. She's flirtatious, always holding hands, patting shoulders, kissing cheeks. Regina says sweet little things and prefers to whisper in one's ear, just to set a mood. She'd rather have physical affection than hear someone say that they love her. She's spirited, and does things on a whim without thinking about the consequences. However carefree and erratic she may appear she's got a guilty bit that eats away at her whenever she's found a sad moment alone.
Occupation: Secretary during the war ;; Housewife
Background: Regina wasn't an original part of the gang. Unlike the rest of these old timers she was born in a neighboring town. Regina was born to George and Helena Buckley, and grew up with younger brother named Tanner. She was awful bit of a sister, never staying in one place long enough to show him the beautiful and simple ways of life. He was her parents child, and she was some kind of wild thing they ended up with. She got into more trouble than she ever bargained for, and yet she was still labeled the golden girl. Beautiful, bright, happy. That's all that matters right? Regina and Tanner were never close, and the distance doesn't help. He is now a lawyer in D.C, and they rarely have ten words between each other in a year. As for her parents, they neither want to speak to her again, nor do they wish to see their grandchildren when the time comes.

Her father was the mayor of this town she comes from and George was always expecting more for her husband. Some rich CEO, a politician, a doctor. Anything connected to money, or anything that would get him ahead in his career. He was never a fair man. If things didn't go the his way, there would be hell to pay. He was never physically abusive, but he knew every which way to make anyone feel guilty. He was a master at deception and wasn't afraid to use his skills. He was a true politician.

Being the wanderer that Regina is, she married Guy 2. Purposely going against her father's will. Sometimes people wonder if she married him to do just that; to shove her parents away. On the day of the wedding, only her brother sat on the bride's side of the chapel. Her mother came later during the reception; made a scene, but that's another story. That was when she was truly happy, newly married. The big white beautiful dress, tied up hair, the whole deal. Then she moved to Guy 2's hometown.

At first the move was tough. The only people she knew in town were Guy 2's parents, and she wasn't about to spend all her free-time with them.. It wasn't that she wasn't fond of them, Regina just got nervous around them. But eventually she grew close with the neighbors, and now her best girlfriend is Evie. After all, when the war started they depended on each other for everything. Guy 2 was gone and Evie's suitors were all gone along as well. At times the girls would even spend weeks at a time together, taking turns cooking and telling long dramatic stories about their childhoods.
Other: Regina loves to slow dance and will take any opportunity to have that closeness. Her parents spent a load sum of money on piano lessons for her as a child, and she's a wonderful pianist. She only plays when she got something on her mind though, or if someone coaxed her into it. She takes special care of her wedding ring, and wears in everywhere, even when she with Guy 3.

I think she's done for now. I'll add in some details about the affair once we get our #3.

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