Friday 26 July 2013

Thursday 25 July 2013

PWC Report: Venture capital activity surges in Florida

Florida ranked among the top 10 U.S. states for venture capital activity in a second quarter MoneyTree report from PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association.

With 14 deals and $155.8 million from venture capital firms, the Sunshine State ranked eighth in terms of dollars invested, up from 29th place in the first quarter, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

The second-quarter total was Florida?s greatest for a three-month period since fall 2007, the report said.

Nationwide, venture capitalists invested $6.7 billion in 913 deals in the second quarter.

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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Stevie Wonder boycotts Fla. post-Zimmerman


13 hours ago

Florida fans of Stevie Wonder who want to see the legend sing are going to have to go on a road trip for the near future. During a performance in Quebec City, Canada, on Sunday, the Grammy-winning performer spoke out about the recent acquittal of George Zimmerman and announced he would boycott the state.

"I decided today that until the 'Stand Your Ground' law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," he told the audience. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Though the "stand your ground" law arguably was not a factor in Zimmerman's acquittal, it was a much-discussed potential motivation for Zimmerman's actions on the night of Feb. 26, 2012, when he and Martin had their deadly encounter.

Earlier in his over three-minute announcement, captured by a fan at the concert on YouTube, Wonder asked his fans to join him in the boycott.

"For those that we have lost in the battle for justice, wherever that fits in any part of the world ? we can't bring them back," he said. "(What) we can do is we can let our voices be heard. And we can vote in our various countries throughout the world for change and equality for everybody. That's what I know we can do."

Wonder isn't the first celebrity to speak out post-verdict; others have given voice to their concerns about the acquittal on Twitter and elsewhere, but his appears to be the first entertainer to actively take his business out of the state in reaction to the decision.

Last November Wonder withdrew from a Los Angeles gala in which he was set to perform in support of the Israeli Defence Forces after a petition urged him to rethink his performance.


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Tax Break for Russell Investments Riles House Finance Chair - KPLU

It was the legislative equivalent of a buzzer beater.

Just as the Washington Legislature was about to adjourn last month, the House and Senate quickly passed a series of tax breaks mostly for businesses. They included exemptions for dance clubs, mint growers, dairy products and digital data used by international investment firms. That last one will largely benefit a single global firm?Seattle-based Russell Investments.

On the evening of Friday, June 28, the Washington Legislature was working late. Without a new budget, the state government would shut down in 48 hours. In the Washington Senate, Republican Floor Leader Joe Fain acknowledged the race was on.

?Clearly we are learning a little bit about how the sausage is made tonight,? Fain said.

Fain then proceeded to endorse a complex, 66-page omnibus tax bill that was on a lightning track, from public hearing to final passage in about 12 hours.

?Rising in support of this very simple piece of legislation,? said Fain.

Fain praised the measure saying it contained several important tax incentives.

?Along with a new way of looking at tax exemptions: how do we use them? How do we evaluate them? How do we put them into law?? Fain said.

Over in the Washington House, Finance Chairman Reuven Carlyle, a Democrat, knew the minute the bill passed the Senate, it would come over to his chamber for a vote. It was a key component in a delicately crafted final budget deal between the two chambers. But Carlyle wasn?t happy about it.

?It was forced at gunpoint by the Senate. They felt very strongly about creating new tax exemptions,? Carlyle said.

Carlyle says he had gone into the legislative session determined to close tax exemptions to raise money for education, not open new ones. Carlyle was especially riled by one of the tax exemptions up for a vote that night for financial market data used by international investment firms. Dozens of firms could benefit, but by far the largest beneficiary would be Russell Investments.?

Born in Tacoma, Russell Invetments is now in Seattle and has 1,800 employees worldwide with more than $170 billion in assets under management. So what did this global company want? A tax exemption worth about a $1million a year.

Carlyle says the company and its lobbyist began pitching him early in the legislative session.

?They made it super clear that it needed to pass, they wanted it to pass and they felt strongly about it,? he said. ?And if they (lawmakers) didn?t pass it, there could be severe and negative unintended consequences down the road.?

That included, says Carlyle, the possibility the company could pick up and move elsewhere. But he remained skeptical.

?We have hundreds and hundreds of exemptions in this state in large part because it?s been incredibly easy to pass them. And my central policy goal as chair of the Finance Committee has been to bring a whole new level of rigor to the decision to create tax exemptions,? he said.

Carlyle was something of a one-man roadblock. Russell Investments had already won over a bipartisan group of lawmakers in both the House and Senate. Despite his skepticism, Carlyle agreed to a public hearing.

Russell?s Leanne Webber testified this was not a new tax break, but an old one that went away when the state of Washington moved in recent years to tax electronic products.

?As part of this, though, the 2007 exemption that we had was repealed, and we believe that was an unintended consequence,? Weber said.

Russell?s Erik Strom added it was a matter of competitiveness not just for his company, but for the state of Washington.

?This type of legislation, if not enacted, would be a deterrent for other companies to want to come and do business in our state,? Strom said.

Carlyle remained unconvinced.

?I listened, and I felt like the more responsible approach, rather than just rubberstamp a continuation of this existing exemption, would be to create a comprehensive analysis of what does it take, for example, for Washington state to be a premier financial services hub?? he said.

So Carlyle proposed a formal study to see how Washington stacks up to other states on taxes and incentives for financial services companies. Meanwhile over in the Washington Senate, the tax break that would benefit Russell Investments had traction.

?I don?t want them to leave,? said freshman Democrat Mark Mullet.

Mullet is a former Wall Street trader who now operates pizza and ice cream franchises. He also wanted to attract new firms here, and says there was no time to wait for Carlyle?s study.

?I think the timing is important to make sure as we?re trying to get these people here in the next 12 months, that we do as much as we can to kind of show them, ?Hey, we understand the financial services industry.? The last thing we want to do is penalize the people who are already here,? said Mullet.

In the end, Mullet and Russell Investments won. The tax break passed. When it came over to the House as part that larger tax break package, Carlyle reluctantly voted for it. He says he did so in part because he managed to insert a cap on how much Russell can claim and an expiration date. But it still bothers him that the exemption got through the process at all.

?It?s an indication of the fact that this is an incredibly important company that legislators were unable to play chicken with,? said Carlyle.

Russell Investments, in a statement, said the bipartisan legislation will help Washington ?be an attractive place for businesses to grow and create new jobs.?


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Monday 15 July 2013

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Mark's Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510 Review - Elite Gaming ...

Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510Many PC gamers who have recently made the switch from consoles?like Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3?often find the controls of PC gaming a little difficult to pick up.

Also some driving games just don?t feel right when you use a keyboard and mouse to control the car.

One solution for this problem is to head back to console gaming. However, in doing so, you sacrifice all of the benefits of PC gaming.

A better solution is to buy a console-like controller that will tailor to your console background, but also won?t break your budget.

To suit your console needs and to give you the feel of console gaming, the Rumble Gamepad F510 by Logitech is a product that gives you console-like controls while still allowing you to experience the more superior platform, the PC.

Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510 Background

Logitech, Founded in 1981 in Apples, Switzerland, is focused on quality and innovation and strive to create new products for PC and laptop users in the ever-changing computer world.

They started by making mice, but now they make many gaming accessories such as, keyboards, mice, headsets, speakers, pc gaming controllers and much more.

The F510 Rumble Pad features a unique floating D-Pad which allows for much better control than regular D-Pads. The controller also allows you to play older games with the ability to switch between X-Input and DirectInput with the flick of a switch.

The product is very different from other console-like pc controllers because it gives you the button layout of the PS3 and gives you the build quality of the Xbox controller.

This controller comes in three different versions:

  • F310 (Not wireless)
  • F510 (Not wireless)
  • F710 (Wireless)

What the Rumble Gamepad F510 Promises

The Logitech Rumble Pad F510 is intended for PC gamers who have a background in console gaming.

The controller allows you to take control of your driving skills with the option to go whatever speed necessary, unlike a keyboard which makes you go full speed all the times (unless you tap the button on the keyboard).

I bought this product because, before building my first gaming PC, I came from playing console games. S0, some driving games didn?t feel right with the keyboard and mouse.

I thought the product would be a good fit because I heard from others that Logitech made great products for PC users. Ultimately, the product gives me the option to play on my keyboard and mouse or with my controller.


  • Button layout of a PS3 control
  • Nice rubber grips on the back and the side of the controller
  • Controller can support mostly any game on the PC
  • The D-Pad feels better than any controller that I?ve ever seen
  • Control is built very well and has no sign of breaking any time soon
  • Allows me to play my older games which only support X-Input


  • Controller is not wireless, the cable gets in the way while playing
  • Cable is kind of short, would have liked to see an extension included
  • The triggers are difficult to press, leads to fingers hurting after a while

What Customers Are Saying About the Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510

From B. Colonna on Amazon:

I cannot think of a single downside to this controller. It is simple to connect, comfortable, easy to use, and its programmable, if you simply have to have this or that key set up some particular way you like.?(Read full review here?)

From J. Nichols on Amazon:

Overall, great job! Quality controller, and people in other reviews are right. The analog thumbsticks loosen up with intense playing. Depending on the game, you can even turn sensitivity up and down!?(Read full review here?)

From Nathan Mays on Amazon:

Looking at the chart above, the only additional feature you get with the next step to F710 is wireless and I am now switching everything back to wired USB that I can these days, don?t like the slight delay you can get at times with wireless devices for the PC. Plus, tired of battery concerns.?(Read full review here?)

Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510Conclusion on My Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510

The Logitech Rumble Pad F510 is a great product for PC gamers with a background in console game, or for anyone who likes to have a controller in their hand rather than a keyboard and mouse.

Other companies who make console controllers for the PC won?t be able to make a control better than the F510, in my personal opinion.

I think gamers will definitely get their money?s worth for a controller that promises this amount of features.

(These reviews are not necessarily my personal recommendations; rather, they are reviews written by others who actually own the product. If you?d like to post a review of the experience that you?ve had with a specific component, please?contact me.)

My name is Mark, I love building computers and talking about them. I?m usually playing Far Cry 3 or posting on forums. I help people and my family with computers and other stuff that involved with technology. Surprisingly, I got my computer knowledge from my Dad and from the internet. I want to study to be a Computer Hardware Engineer at Cal Tech, and I want to work at Newegg or NCIX.? I love making computers for others who want a good gaming computer but don?t want to buy it or build it themselves. All in all, I?m Mark, and I love computers.


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Facebook's product manager faces criticism as a stay-at-home dad

Tom Stocky, a product manager at Facebook, took a four-month paternity leave from work to take care of his young daughter while his wife continued her job as director of product management at Google.

Staying at home with a 1-year-old was much harder than he thought. "It was so physically demanding. You have to be constantly alert," the Menlo Park, Calif., man said. "She would find new things to try to eat, new things to try to stick her fingers or whatever else into. I mean ? there were lots of dangers looming on all sides."

Another thing Stocky, 35, didn't expect? Criticism from stay-at-home mothers and others.

"Why is?there just insanely low expectations for me as a dad?" he said. "Someone's like, 'Oh that's so great that you're bringing your daughter to the grocery store.' But, then I was like, 'Well of course I am. Like, what else would I be doing?'"

Even though it felt nice to get a compliment for his parenting skills, he said it "felt a little insulting" after a while.?And when he used to take his daughter to music class in the middle of the day, he said he felt like he was "intruding ? like I was impinging on this you know, existing mom circle. So I switched to one that was later in the day because that one had more dads."

During his leave, he said he learned a lot about the perceptions people had of fathers in general, and of women who stay at home.

"I think the expectations were very different for me as a father. I think they're much lower, he said. "Like if I change a diaper I get a standing ovation ? I think the other thing, there's like certain preconceived notions, maybe, about, you know, what women and men are supposed to do. And it seems like there's some negative perceptions about women who decide to work full-time out of their homes, and men who decide to work full time in their home," he said.

Stocky took to Facebook to vent about the negative perceptions, and he even started looking for groups for dads.
"They're hard to find," he said.
One stranger told him, "It's too bad you can't earn as much as your wife so she can be the one to stay at home."
Stocky's wife, Avni, took her maternity leave when the baby was born. Stocky said he took paternity leave in part because he wanted to reflect on what mothers go through.

"I just wanted to talk ? have a conversation with people about what it's like to be an at-home dad and for the different challenges and nudges kind of pushing dads away from the homes and into workplaces, in the same way there are all these nudges that are pushing women away from workplaces and into the homes," he said.

At first, Stocky missed his job.?"But after two months ? I started getting some of the benefits of all the work that I was putting in with my daughter. I mean, she liked me more," he said. "She would, like, smile and kind of light up when I was around. She would come to me for comfort. Those things felt really good."

Stocky got to see his daughter eating solids, rolling over and taking her very first step.?Today he's back on the job - he said he had a "pretty seamless return" - and is leading the launch of Graph Search , a new way to find people and places on Facebook.?"Now that I'm back at work, I miss being with her," he said.

Asked if he'd ever consider staying at home full-time, he replied: "I'm open to it ? Nothing will replace that four months that I had a full-time with my daughter. That was amazing."


v interesting read! part of me is like 'this is a problem' but another part is like 'women have been facing criticism for their parenting choices for forever and how come it only generates discussion after it happens to a man?'

but ONTD, do you judge stay-at-home/working parents?


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