Monday 31 December 2012

Oh God, Here Come the Private Security Drones

It was inevitable. Drones are in ever-wider use by the military, and some day they might deliver you food, but it looks like they'll also be the private, flying-camera spies for private companies too. That's what Japanese security company Secom is banking on with its new private security quadrotor. More »


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South Africa: Internal food market grows

Danie Schutte

Farmers Weekly rounds up a year's news through the eyes of farmers across the globe. Today we hear from Danie Schutte in South Africa

Danie Schutte runs an organic dairy farm consisting of 90ha in the east of Pretoria, South Africa.

South African farming has changed radically over the past 20 years. It has moved from being highly regulated to a completely free market. Commercial farmers receive no subsidies, but are increasingly subjected to ?negative? subsidies ? additional input costs due to deteriorating infrastructure and security concerns.

The number of farms has fallen from more than 60,000 in 1996 to an estimated 38,000 in 2012.

To address inequity, the government introduced a land distribution policy, from white farmers to disadvantaged black workers. But due to a lack of capacity and skills only an estimated one in 10 redistributed farms remains productive.

Key facts

Population 51.5 million

Average rainfall Varies between 5mm in the west and 1,500mm in the east

Agricultural area 99m ha

Wine production is increasingly important with the 60,000-strong workforce matching the number of workers in the dairy industry

Despite these challenges, agricultural production has increased steadily by about 2% in 2011-12. Dairy production grew by an average of 3% during the same period. In the decade between 2000 and 2010, total solids (butterfat and protein) production increased by 16%.

The average maize yield increased from 2.4t/ha in 2000 to 3.8t/ha in 2011.

That said, this year?s production improvement has been balanced by substantially increased costs, with fuel and electricity leading the charge. This has put profit margins under pressure.

I am nevertheless optimistic. The internal food market is growing by about 4- 6% a year and has great further potential, provided that the general economic situation remains stable. The export market, especially into Africa, also shows promise.

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Four planets in 'habitable zones' spotted within spitting distance of Earth

Astronomers say they used a new statistical technique to find four possible super-Earths orbiting in the habitable zone of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth, Gliese 667C and tau Ceti.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / December 19, 2012

This diagram shows an artist's rendering comparing our own solar system to Kepler-22, a star system containing the first 'habitable zone' planet discovered by NASA's Kepler mission. The 'habitable zone' is a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface.



Astronomers say they have uncovered evidence for what could be four super-Earth planets orbiting within the habitable zones of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth.

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Three of those candidate planets are among a tightly packed clutch of five that orbit Gliese 667C, part of a triple-star system 22 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. The other possible planet is one of five orbiting tau Ceti, a sun-like star 12 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

Taken together, the detections not only add to accumulating evidence that planets look to be more common than stars ? and that planets in habitable zones could be more common than previously thought, some of researchers reporting the finds say.

The finds also illustrate the power of improved statistical tools to boldly uncover candidate planets where no planet had been found before.

The evidence for these candidate planets requires independent confirmation, the researchers caution.?Still, the tools represent "a real breakthrough," says Steven Vogt, an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz and a member of the team reporting the results for tau Ceti. The approach the team took leaves only about one chance in 3 million that the detections could herald something other than a planet.

Since the mid-1990s, astronomers have bagged more than 850 extra-solar planets. The ultimate goal is to find rocky planets with Earth-like masses orbiting within their stars' habitable zones ? a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface. Liquid water is considered an essential ingredient for organic life.

Different groups of astronomers had aimed three telescopes for various lengths of time at tau Ceti and found nothing. Led by Mikko Tuomi at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain, the team reporting this latest analysis applied relatively new statistical tools to the combined data from these telescopes.

The result: "Five planets came out: boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ... as clear as a bell," Dr. Vogt says.

Tau Ceti has about 78 percent of our own sun's mass, but its composition is quite similar, Dr. Tuomi's team reports. Its candidate planets range from 2 to 6.6 times Earth's mass.

The innermost object orbits the star once every 14 days, while the outermost takes 642 days to make its circuit. The fourth planet from the star, with a 168-day orbit, travels well within a zone where liquid water could remain stable on the planet's surface, the team estimates. However, the results don't speak directly to what the planets are made of.?

A similar story has played out for Philip Gregory, an astronomer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Previous researchers had found two planets orbiting Gliese 667C, a red dwarf with 31 percent of the sun's mass. Using a broadly similar statistical approach, he reports detecting the initial two, plus three more planets. Three of the five fall within the star's habitable zone, he estimates.


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? ? ?Inquire about his experience

? ? ?Check for references

? ? ?Check if he is licensed and registered

? ? ?See if the firm is registered

? ? ?Make sure he has insurance coverage


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Animal Collection by Colin Winnette

I scratched my neck until a lion?s mane appeared. I broke the skin and it poured right out. Up until then I hadn?t received much attention from women. I hadn?t received much attention from anyone really. But all of a sudden, I was a point of interest. It wasn?t something I knew how to handle. My best friend said we were in luck. Had I ever seen Teen Wolf? Things were about to start going our way. But I was still terrible at sports. In fact, I was worse than I?d ever been. I couldn?t turn very fast, couldn?t hold things like I used to. My thumbs were stiff. My fingers wanted to curl. My best friend told me to practice. If the mane didn?t come with any supernatural talent, I could always train myself, get better on my own, and that would still be impressive. More and more women said hello to me on the street. I got free coffees in cafes. A girl at a bar winked at me from across the room, and I had been pretty sure people didn?t actually do that. It didn?t feel right. I couldn?t get comfortable. I didn?t talk as much as I used to. I was less friendly. People said, it?s a nice color, did you dye it? I nodded a lot, or pretended not to notice them. I kept to myself. My palms got bigger and my fingers kept curling. They doubled over to half their size. I slouched a little so people would notice me less. I tried to cover the hair, but it was spilling out from my wrists, my thighs, my neck. I was scratching here and there, scratching all over, and it just kept coming. I stopped going out as much. I ordered in, left money in front of the door with a note that said, be right back. When I did leave the house, women made meaningful eye contact. I hunched over so I didn?t have to think about it. It?s not that I wasn?t flattered, but it made me nervous.?


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Fiscal 'cliff' deal proving elusive

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A Capitol Hill deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" was proving elusive Sunday as a deadline to avert tax hikes on virtually every American worker and block sweeping spending cuts set to strike the Pentagon and other federal agencies grew perilously near.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell remained at odds on such key issues as the income threshold for higher tax rates and how to deal with inheritance taxes, among other issues. McConnell complained that Reid had yet to respond to a GOP offer made Saturday evening and reached out to Vice President Joe Biden, a longtime friend, in hopes of breaking the impasse. Biden assumed the lead role for Democrats, and a McConnell spokesman said the Kentucky Republican and the vice president were expected to negotiate by telephone into the night.

Rank-and-file lawmakers left the Capitol Sunday night with hopes that their leaders would give them something to vote on when they returned Monday morning.

One sign of progress came as Republicans withdrew a long-discussed proposal to slow future cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients as part of a compromise to avoid the cliff. Democrats said earlier Sunday that proposal had put a damper on the talks, and Republican senators emerging from a closed-door GOP meeting said it is no longer part of the equation.

"I was really gratified to hear that Republicans have taken their demand for Social Security benefit cuts off the table. The truth is they should never have been on the table to begin with," Reid said late Sunday afternoon. "There is still significant distance between the two sides, but negotiations continue."

At stake are sweeping tax hikes and across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect at the turn of the year. Taken together, they've been dubbed the fiscal cliff, and economists warn the one-two punch ? which leaders in both parties have said they want to avoid ? could send the still-fragile economy back into recession. Tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 expire at midnight Monday, and $109 billion in across-the-board cuts in federal spending this year would also begin this week.

Workers could see more taxes withheld from their paychecks and federal agencies are likely to soon receive warning of possible furloughs if lawmakers fail to reach a deal to avert the cliff. The new Congress will be sworn in on Thursday and would inherit the problem if the current crop of lame-duck lawmakers can't find an answer before then.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said the two sides remained at odds over the income threshold for higher tax rates and tax levels on large estates. Republicans said that Democratic demands for new money to prevent a cut in Medicare payments to doctors and renew jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed should be financed with cuts elsewhere in the budget. Republicans also balked at a Democratic proposal to use new tax revenues to shut off the across-the-board spending cuts, known as a sequester in Washington-speak.

President Barack Obama, in a televised interview, blamed Republicans for putting the nation's shaky economy at risk.

"We have been talking to the Republicans ever since the election was over," Obama said in the interview that was taped Saturday and aired Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''They have had trouble saying yes to a number of repeated offers."

"The mood is discouraged," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent who caucuses with Democrats. "The parties are much further apart than I hoped they'd be by now."

The pessimistic turn came as the House and Senate returned to the Capitol for a rare Sunday session. Reid and McConnell had hoped to have a blueprint to present to their rank and file by mid-afternoon.

McConnell and Reid were hoping for a deal that would prevent higher taxes for most Americans while letting rates rise at higher income levels, although the precise point at which that would occur was a sticking point.

Obama had wanted to raise the top tax rate on individuals making more than $200,000 a year and families making more than $250,000 from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. In talks with Republican House Speaker John Boehner, he offered to raise that threshold to $400,000.

The estate tax issue was particularly tricky since several Democrats, including veterans like Max Baucus of Montana, disagree with Obama's proposal to increase the top estate tax rate from 35 percent to 45 percent.

Republicans said Democrats pressed to turn off more than $200 billion in the across-the-board spending cuts over the coming two years. This so-called sequester is the punishment for last year's deficit "supercommittee" failure to strike a deal.

Hopes for blocking across-the-board spending cuts were fading and Obama's proposal to renew the 2-percentage-point payroll tax cut wasn't even part of the discussion.

Obama pressed lawmakers to start where both sides say they agree ? sparing middle-class families from looming tax hikes.

"If we can get that done, that takes a big bite out of the fiscal cliff. It avoids the worst outcomes. And we're then going to have some tough negotiations in terms of how we continue to reduce the deficit, grow the economy, create jobs," Obama said in the NBC interview.

Gone is the talk of a grand deal that would tackle broad spending and revenue demands and set the nation on a course to lower deficits. Obama and Boehner were once a couple hundred billion dollars apart on a deal that would have reduced the deficit by more than $2 trillion over 10 years.

Republicans have complained that Obama has demanded too much in tax revenue and hasn't proposed sufficient cuts or savings in the nation's massive health care programs.

Obama upped the pressure on Republicans to negotiate a fiscal deal, arguing that GOP leaders have rejected his past attempts to strike a bigger and more comprehensive bargain.

"The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me," Obama said.

Boehner disagreed, saying Sunday that the president had been unwilling to agree to anything "that would require him to stand up to his own party."

The trimmed ambitions of today are a far cry from the upbeat bipartisan rhetoric of just six weeks ago, when the leadership of Congress went to the White House to set the stage for negotiations to come.

But the deal under discussion Sunday appeared unlikely to settle other outstanding issues, including the sequester, which would total more than $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years, divided equally between the Pentagon and other government agencies. And off the table completely is an extension of the nation's borrowing limit, which the government is on track to reach any day but which the Treasury can put off through accounting measures for about two months.

That means Obama and the Congress are already on a new collision path. Republicans say they intend to use the debt ceiling as leverage to extract more spending cuts from the president. Obama has been adamant that unlike 2011, when the country came close to defaulting on its debts, he will not yield to those Republican demands.

Meanwhile, a senior defense official said if the sequester were triggered, the Pentagon would soon begin notifying its 800,000 civilian employees that they should expect some furloughs ? mandatory unpaid leave, not layoffs. It would then take some time for the furloughs to begin being implemented, said the official, who requested anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the internal preparations.

Lawmakers have until the new Congress convenes to pass any compromise, and even the calendar matters. Democrats said they had been told House Republicans might reject a deal until after Jan. 1, to avoid a vote to raise taxes before they had technically gone up, and then vote to cut taxes after they had risen.


Associated Press writers David Espo, Robert Burns, Julie Pace, Jim Kuhnhenn and Michele Salcedo contributed to this report.


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The first full-length feature by LA-based artist and filmmaker Anna Biller (The Hypnotist; A Visit From The Incubus), VIVA is "a spot-on spoof of low-grade late 60s/early 70s sexploitation flicks" (Variety) that joyously and faithfully pays homage to the classics of the genre.Written by, directed by and starring Biller, the film is a highly stylized, super-colour-saturated, satirical romp through the kind of camp sleaze and nudge-nudge wink-wink jocularity that will be all too familiar to fans of Herschell Gordon Lewis' "Suburban Roulette", Radley Metzger's "Camille 2000" and Russ Meyer's "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls". Biller's remarkable attention to detail and painstakingly accurate recreation of the trash aesthetics that make the sexploitation genre so enjoyable have led to Fangoria magazine describing VIVA as "incredible, experimental, hilarious and hotter than hell in June? a film that needs to be seen by any self-respecting trash movie enthusiast."Biller stars as Barbi, a voluptuous, bored suburban housewife with a workaholic husband, Rick (Chad England), who, although perfect in most ways is indifferent to her physical and emotional needs. To get through the monotony of her days, Barbi turns to the companionship of her wealthy, swinging neighbours, Sheila (Bridget Brno) and Mark (Jared Sanford). It's not long before both couples decide to split up, prompting the newly liberated Sheila to drag Barbi headlong into the middle of the burgeoning sexual revolution. Changing her name to Viva, the once innocent housewife embarks on a wild ride in search of love and adventure. It's a journey that takes her into a world full of new experiences, from bisexual liaisons to psychedelic, drug-fuelled orgies and from bohemian nudist colonies to high-class brothels.Looking like a lost film from the late 1960s, VIVA is a fun and loving tribute to the pre-porn era of cinema, when copies of "Playboy" could be found alongside "Time" magazine on the coffee tables of gaudily decorated living rooms all across America. For fans of B-movie exploitation cinema, kinky softcore, high-camp comedy and all things retro, VIVA is a must.
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Jim Miller gets bloody UFC 155 win over Joe Lauzon

UFC 155 was headed towards becoming one of the least memorable UFC pay-per-view cards in recent history until Joe Lauzon and Jim Miller stepped in the cage. The lightweights delivered a late Fight of the Year candidate as Miller won 29-28 on all three judges cards.

Miller opened up the fight with a bevy of punches, and opened a cut on Lauzon's face early. Lauzon's wooziness allowed Miller to lock a standing arm triangle. Lauzon was able to slip out of the choke, but when he emerged, his face was covered in blood.

Though Miller managed better attacks and wasn't bleeding as badly as Lauzon, he still found himself in trouble late in the third round. Lauzon dove onto Miller's legs, and attempted a leg lock submission. If there wasn't so much blood covering their bodies and the canvas, Lauzon might have pulled out the win.

Miller was impressed by Lauzon's toughness.

?Joe Lauzon is a tough kid. I knew I was going to have to bring my best effort to put him away and I was never able to," Miller said after the fight. "That?s how good he is on the ground. And even in the last minute, look what he was trying to do to win the fight."


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Deal reached for stopping spike in milk prices

(AP) ? The top leaders in both parties on the House and Senate Agriculture committees have agreed to a one-year extension of the 2008 farm bill that expired in October, a move that could head off a possible doubling of milk prices next month.

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Debbie Stabenow indicated that the House could vote on the extension as early as Sunday evening, though House leaders have not yet agreed to put it on the floor. In addition to the one-year extension that has the backing of the committees, the House GOP is also considering two other extension bills ? a one-month extension and an even smaller bill that would simply extend dairy policy that expires Jan. 1.

Expiration of those dairy programs could mean higher prices at the grocery store within a few weeks. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Americans face the prospect of paying $7 for a gallon of milk if the current dairy program lapsed and the government returned to a 1948 formula for calculating milk price supports.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday afternoon that Republican leaders had not decided how they would proceed on the farm extension. Boehner has pushed back on passage of a new five-year farm bill for months, saying there were not enough votes to bring it to the House floor after the House Agriculture Committee approved it in July. The Senate passed its version of a farm bill in June.

The prospect of the higher milk prices has motivated some action. The bipartisan extension also includes disaster assistance to farmers affected by a lingering drought this year, along with extensions to other farm programs that expired in October.

Instead of just extending current dairy policy, the extension bill includes an overhaul of dairy programs that was in both the Senate and House committee bills. The new dairy programs include a new, voluntary insurance program for dairy producers. Those who choose that new program would also have to participate in a market stabilization program that could dictate production cuts when oversupply drives down prices ? an idea that hasn't gone over well with Boehner.

In July, he called the current dairy program "Soviet-style" and said the new program would make it even worse. Large food companies that process and use dairy products have backed Boehner, saying the program could limit milk supplies and increase their costs.

Stabenow blamed Boehner for getting to the point where an extension is the only option. "The lack of action by the House Republican leadership has put us in a situation where we risk serious damage to our economy unless we pass a temporary extension," she said.

One of the reasons Boehner has balked at bringing up a farm bill is disagreement in his caucus over how much money should be cut from food stamps, which make up roughly 80 percent of the half-trillion-dollar bill's cost over five years. House Agriculture Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., has unsuccessfully pushed his leadership for months to move on the legislation despite the disagreement over food aid.

On Sunday, Lucas said he hoped the extension would pass both chambers quickly as GOP leadership mulled their options.

"It is not perfect, no compromise ever is, but it is my sincere hope that it will pass the House and Senate and be signed by the president by January 1," he said.

Associated Press


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Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers ? Big Bash League, 2012/13 ...

Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers ? Big Bash League, 2012/13 ? Live Cricket Score and Match Update ? Daniel Hughes propels Sixers to 4-wicket win

A steady unbeaten half-ton from Daniel Hughes saw the Sydney Sixers to a rare 4-wicket win over the Sydney Thunder, in their Big Bash League match today on December 30, at the Stadium Australia in Sydney.

The target of 133, appeared achievable enough, and the Sixers did not look to be in danger at any point in the match, thanks to Player of the Match Daniel Hughes. The Thunder?s Dirk Nannes (4-0-24-3), Chris Gayle (4-0-17-2), and Chris Tremain (4-0-35-1) attempted to defend the total, but the team did not appear to be truly in the game at any point, and were eventually unable to contain the Sixers? batsmen.

Nic Maddinson (7) made an early exit, dismissed by Nannes in the fourth over, and Michael Lumb (20) followed him in the very next over, sent packing by Tremain. However, coming in at number 3, Daniel Hughes anchored the innings with a solid unbeaten 51 off 36.

Wicketkeeper skipper Brad Haddin (18) and Steven Smith (14) both managed to serve as effective partners for Hughes, with the former joining him for a 34-run stand, while the latter formed part of a 19-run stand for the 4th wicket. However, Haddin was soon upended by Gayle, while Nannes took care of Smith, leaving the Sixers at 82 for 4 by the 14th over.

Moises Henriques (7) and Steve O?Keefe (3) were similarly lacklustre, but Brett Lee (12*) joined Hughes for an unbeaten 18-run partnership, which took them over the finish line, and got them up to 136 with 4 wickets and 6 balls remaining.

Earlier, the team?s bowlers had succeeded in restricting the Thunder to a low total, with Josh Lalor (4-0-20-2) and Luke Feldman (4-0-23-2) leading the attack, while Moises Henriques and Sunil Narine both chipped in with one wicket each.

Only three of the Thunder?s batsmen succeeded in passing single digits, and from among these, Usman Khawaja was the only one who managed to put up a fight, remaining unbeaten on 66. Simon Keen (15) and Scott Coyte (11*) were both unremarkable, while the rest failed to contribute anything substantial. By the end of 20 overs, with 6 wickets down, Thunder finished at 132, and the team?s bowlers were eventually unable to defend the middling total.


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Google removed more than 50 million links in 2012 search crackdown over piracy claims

Google, the Internet search leader, removed more than 50 million links from search results this year for allegedly infringing the intellectual property of copyright holders.

According to an analysis of Google's weekly "transparency reports" performed by TorrentFreak editor ErnestoVan Der Sar, 51.5 million links to web pages allegedly infringing on copyrighted material were removed from search results in 2012.

"Nearly all of these web pages are no longer showing up in Google's search results," Van Der Sar reported.

Google, like any other website on the Internet, is obliged by federal law -- namely, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act -- to take down content when it receives a DCMA request from a copyright holder.

Van Der Sar noted that DCMA takedown activity has been increasing throughout the year, hitting a high point last week when Google received 3.5 million requests.


Much of that takedown activity is being fueled by automated systems used by large copyright holders. Those systems can be wildly inaccurate, which can lead to lawsuits.

For example, an online storage service called Hotfile sued Warner Bros. Entertainment after that company's automated system flooded Hotfile with thousands of DCMA takedown requests for material Warner had no rights to.

Under the DMCA, any person making bad takedown requests can be penalised with monetary damages. Warner's defence in the Hotfile case is a person didn't make the bogus requests. A computer did.

Media companies, like Warner, are among the most prolific requesters of takedowns.

The biggest requester in 2012, Van Der Sar points out, was the Recording Industry Association of America, which asked Google to remove more than 7.8 million links from its search results.

The website most frequently targeted by rights holders was FilesTube, according to the TorrentFreak editor. More than 2.2 million links at that site allegedly infringed on copyrights, he noted.

"While this is certainly a significant number, it?s less than 1 percent of all FilesTube pages indexed by Google," he wrote.

Copyright holders aren't the only entities pressuring Google to remove links from search results.Governments do so, too. More than half those requests are made for concerns over defamation or privacy and security.

However, governments are interested in more than just taking down links from the Internet. They're also interested in obtaining information from Google that it has about its users. That trend, too, increased over 2012.


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Woz Totally Loves Cycloramic

Cycloramic is the new app which uses your iPhone's vibration and sensors to rotate itself and take a 360-degree video. It's amazing to see in action—and Woz loves it so much that a video he shot using it has appeared on Facebook. More »


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Study Claims Online Voter Registration Contributed ?Significantly? To Higher Youth Registration

3003337804_c01d490152 (1)California's experiment in fully online voter registration appears to have been a success. "Online registration contributed significantly to an increase in 2012 youth registrants and modestly to overall increases in general registration rates," claims a University of California, Davis, study of the 2012 election, which finds that online voting boosted youth registration an entire percent (10.1 percent to 11.1 percent) in its short one-month existence prior to the election [PDF].


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How to Track Follow-Up Medical Appointments - Pittsburgh In Home ...

Before your senior loved one returns home from the hospital, he or she will likely receive a list of scheduled and/or recommended follow-up medical appointments. In order to keep his or her recovery on track, it?s imperative that you help make sure your senior gets to each and every appointment.

caregiver agencyThese medical follow-ups are critical for any necessary prescription updates, blood tests, incision and wound care, and follow-up X-rays and CT scans that help ensure your senior is on the right track.

Keep a large desk or wall calendar handy and write in follow-up visits using a bright colored ink such as red or green. It?s also good to keep the appointment calendar by the phone so as new appointments are scheduled they can be easily added in.

Before going to the doctor?s office or other follow-up appointment, make sure your senior has a current list of all prescriptions, over the counter?medications?and supplements they are taking. You should also make sure they have a list of any symptoms they are experiencing such as nausea, constipation, breathing difficulties, rashes, lack of appetite, etc.

Getting to the follow-up visits can also be a challenge. If your loved one can?t drive, is in a wheelchair or has medical equipment that must be carried along (e.g., oxygen or IV) you may need to ask other family members, friends, local service agencies, private transport companies or?home care providers?to help out.

Once at the doctor?s office, the National Transitions of Care Coalition advises that it?s important for your senior to ask several questions including:

  • Why am I meeting with a health care provider today?
  • What medical conditions do I have?
  • What else do I need to do?
  • Should I see another health care provider?
  • Do all of my doctors have my medical care or discharge plan?
  • Who should I call if I have questions or problems?
  • May I have a print out of any newly scheduled or upcoming follow-up visits?

Use this?doctor?s visit worksheet?to keep track of the information you need both before and after your visit. You can also review this?Patient-Doctor Communication educational video series?for other helpful tips.

Helping your senior loved one stay on track with follow-up medical appointments can help make sure he or she recovers in a timely fashion and returns more quickly to a good quality of life.

For more information or to get answers to your questions, please contact your Home Instead Senior Care office serving The Greater Pittsburgh, PA area.?


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Newly discovered loris may be slow, but its bite is toxic

A new slow loris species was discovered in Borneo, named Nycticebus kayan.?The little primate weighs less than a pound.

By Jeanna Bryner,? / December 14, 2012

The newly discovered slow loris primate (Nycticebus kayan) has a furry "face mask" distinct from other slow loris species.

Ch'ien C Lee


A new small primate with a toxic bite and distinctive facial fur markings has been discovered in the jungles of Borneo.

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The new slow loris species is found in the highlands of the island of Borneo and has been named Nycticebus kayan, after a major river, the Kayan, flowing through the region. The trio of scientists also found that two species previously considered sub-species in the Nycticebus genus are officially unique species.

"Historically, many species went unrecognized as they were falsely lumped together as one species," researcher Rachel Munds, of the University of Missouri Columbia, said in a statement.

Closely related to lemurs, the slow loris is found across Southeast Asia, from Bangladesh and China's Yunnan province to Borneo. To distinguish between species, the researchers focused on the seeming face masks of Borneo's slow lorises; fur patches cover their eyes, while their heads are covered with differently shaped caps. The examined photographs and museum samples for eight face mask features, finding there were four species of Bornean lorises. [See Photos of the Slow Loris Primates]

The new species to science, N. kayan, showed a dark, highly contrasting face mask, with dark patches around its eyes. From the specimen examined, the species is about 10.8 inches (273 millimeters) long and weighs about 14.5 ounces (411 grams). The other species include: N. menagensis, N. bancanus and N. borneanus. (N. menagensis had already been recognized as a species.)

The newly identified species illustrate the breadth of biodiversity yet to be discovered in the jungles of Borneo and nearby islands, the researchers noted. The slow lorises, as with other animals on these islands, face threats from human activity.

"The pet trade is a serious threat for slow lorises in Indonesia, and recognition of these new species raises issues regarding where to release confiscated Bornean slow lorises, as recognition by nonexperts can be difficult," said study researcher Anna Nekaris, of Oxford Brookes University in England, in a statement.

Munds, Nekaris and co-author Susan Ford of Southern Illinois University also note this week in the American Journal of Primatology that their results confirm the use of fur color and pattern as a valid way of distinguishing between species of small primates. Some researchers, they wrote, had claimed that because Bornean slow lorises are not a diverse group because they share similar cranial features and all are lacking an upper second incisor. The new study suggests otherwise, the team added.

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.


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California Escape: Palm Springs uncovered

It's understandable why, as wintry weather sets in elsewhere, travelers flock to Palm Springs for warmth and sunshine. Heavy clothes are quickly replaced by T-shirts and shorts ? or, at some resorts, no clothes at all. Palm Springs is a hot spot not only for snowbirds but also for those who choose to vacation wearing just their birthday suits at one of the area's several nudist resorts.

The bed

The city is known for its trendy boutique hotels, but for those wanting to spend a weekend (or longer) au naturel, common sense suggests that nudists sleep where they tan. At the Terra Cotta Inn (2388 E. Racquet Club Road, Palm Springs; (760) 322-6059,, couples can spend the night in one of 17 spacious rooms. In the '60s, as the Monkey Tree, the place welcomed Hollywood A-listers such as Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and members of the Rat Pack.

The meal

For those willing to get dressed, downtown Palm Springs features a wealth of eateries. Locals and tourists alike enjoy LuLu California Bistro (200 S. Palm Canyon Drive, [760] 327-5858, Right on the main drag ? just a short stroll from the new, larger-than-life statue of Marilyn Monroe ? this restaurant offers indoor and outdoor seating. It's open early to late. The breakfast menu features made-from-scratch corned beef hash ($9.99), and dinnertime brings a wealth of fish entrees, including saut?ed sand dabs ($23.99).

The find

"We get tons of first-timers," Terra Cotta Inn owner Tom Mulhall says of his guests. He and his wife, Mary Clare, have owned the property for 17 years. They have many repeat visitors who relish the opportunity to shed their clothes and relax by the pool. Guests swear that once they get over the fear of being naked in front of others, serenity replaces stress. The building's clean lines represent the work of Albert Frey, the respected Swiss architect who designed it. Flowering shrubs adorn the grounds.

The lesson learned

Swimming, sunning and reading are popular ways to unwind, but "swinging" definitely isn't on the agenda. Those unfamiliar with what Mulhall calls "social nudism" may not realize that, at resorts like this, getting naked is not a precursor to foreplay.

The tab

Weekend rates at the Terra Cotta Inn begin at $169, which includes continental breakfast, and guests are welcome to check out as late as 5 p.m. A couple can enjoy a three-course meal at LuLu for about $90, which isn't bad by Palm Springs standards. And don't forget to budget for sunscreen.


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Lawsuit Alleges That Early Pinterest Investor Stole The Idea, Pinterest Says Suit Is ?Baseless?

Pinterest_LogoA lawsuit filed yesterday by Theodore F. Schroeder claims that Pinterest investor Brian S. Cohen stole the idea for the social sharing service. The suit, which was first reported in AllThingsD, claims that Schroeder "originated the ideas that led to the popular, ever-growing Pinterest website." It presents a fairly detailed account of the development of a site called, and its spinoff, The products were developed by Schroeder and two of his Columbia Law School classmates, who eventually brought on Cohen as the company's chairman and CEO, according to the suit.


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Saturday 29 December 2012

Ouya releases SDK for $99 game console, shows off developer ...

Now that Ouya is shipping the first developer kits?of its upcoming $99 Android-based video game console, the company has opened a software developer portal, launched a software developer kit, and shown off an early preview of the user interface.

The Ouya team has also posted an unboxing video, giving us a good look at the first developer consoles.

What we?re looking at isn?t the finished hardware. While the developer kits have the same basic specs as the units that will ship to customers in April (including an NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of storage), these special edition models have clear plastic cases.

That means you can see the guts of the Ouya game console without even opening it up ? and the same goes for the 2 wireless controllers that come with the kits.

Unfortunately the game controllers are still works in progress, and the team is still working out some of the kinks.

The developer kits also include microUSB ports that let you connect the system to a computer for Android programming and debugging. It?s not clear if the final product will have that port ? but one of the key goals of the Ouya project is to create an open platform, so I can?t see why the consumer device would ship without a microUSB port.

Meanwhile, folks interested in developing games for the Ouya who haven?t been able to snag one of the limited edition developer kits can check out the Developer Portal for details on coding for the Ouya using off-the-shelf hardware to test their games.

The Ouya is available for pre-order for $99 plus shipping, and it?s expected to ship in April, 2013.

via Hacker News

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  • Game formatDownloadable
  • Drive capacity8 GB
  • Controller typeWireless
  • Video outputsHDMI
  • Released04/01/2013
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Obama says immediate action needed on fiscal cliff

President Barack Obama speaks to reporters in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington after meeting with Congressional leaders regarding the fiscal cliff, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama speaks to reporters in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington after meeting with Congressional leaders regarding the fiscal cliff, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama says "the hour for immediate action is here" on a deal to avert the fiscal cliff.

The president says he remains "optimistic" that an agreement can be reached in Congress before a looming year-end deadline to avoid tax increases and spending cuts.

If Congress can't reach a deal, the president says Congress should allow a vote on a basic package that would preserve tax cuts for middle-class Americans while extending unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless and working toward a foundation for a broader deal.

The president says an hourlong meeting Friday with congressional leaders was "good and constructive."

Senate leaders say they hope to reach a compromise that could be presented to lawmakers by Sunday, little more than 24 hours before the deadline.

Associated Press


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5 Simple Health Tests You Can Perform at Home - Build Muscle and ...

Home Health Tests

Home Health Girl

Not every cough and sniffle calls for a visit to the doctor?s office, nor does every scrape and burn necessitate an expensive trip to the emergency room. In most cases you can tell if a home remedy will do the trick or if professional medical care is advisable, but you will certainly have occasions where you?re just not sure if the symptoms will pass or if you need professional help.

Many people would probably appreciate having ways to determine their relative state of health between annual physicals or check-ups in order to see if they need additional care or alternately, if their efforts to improve health and fitness are paying off. So here are just a few simple health tests that you can perform on your own at home to check yourself out.

  1. Temperature

    Fevers are indicative of an infection, or rather, they are the result of your body fighting an infection. In most cases there is no cause for concern. Although a fever will make you feel pretty awful, the majority are low-grade and break within a matter of hours or just a couple of days.

    However, there may be extreme scenarios in which you require hospitalization with a fever, such as an unusually high temperature (103 degrees Fahrenheit or greater), an extended fever (lasting longer than a week), or accompanying symptoms like excessive vomiting (leading to dangerous dehydration), chest or abdominal pain, confusion or hallucinations, or any other symptoms that seem serious. Taking your temperature with an inexpensive home thermometer can give you a quick gauge of the severity of a fever.

  2. Pulse

    Studies show that your resting heart rate can offer you an early warning of your risk for heart attack. The average adult heart should beat about 60 times per minute. This rate indicates optimum health and extremely low risk for heart attack. But once your pulse gets over about 75 beats per minute your risk for heart attack rises significantly.

    Luckily, testing your resting heart rate is easy. All you have to do is sit and relax for a few minutes and then take your pulse (at your wrist or throat). If the number is high, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

  3. Blood pressure

    High or low blood pressure can be to blame for a number of symptoms that range from annoying to potentially deadly. Those on the low end of the spectrum may experience fatigue, dizziness, and fainting, while high blood pressure can be to blame for headaches and even strokes. But if you purchase a blood pressure cuff and learn how to read it (you can find them on Amazon for about ten bucks and there are tons of tutorials online that will show you how to use one), you can track your own blood pressure to determine if it might be playing a role in your symptoms.

  4. BMI

    Your body mass index is not exactly easy to calculate, but it?s certainly not rocket science. To start, measure your weight (in pounds) and height (in inches). Now divide you weight by your height squared. So if you are 60 inches tall (five feet) and you weigh a hundred pounds, for example, your equation would be 100/60?60, or 100/3600, resulting in an answer of 0.028. You will then multiply this number by 703 (called the conversion factor), which will result in your body mass index (in this case about 19.7).

    So what does this number mean? In general, you want the number to fall in the 18.5 to 25 range as this is considered to be the healthiest weight for your height. If your calculation comes out below 18.5 or above 25, you could be at an unhealthy weight (although you may want to talk to your doctor for further information).

    (Note from the editor: this post is essentially a guest post. Project Swole does not support BMI in the slightest. BMI is a joke and does not reflect a measure of healthiness in anyone who has more muscle mass than the average person. Instead, you want to use body fat percentage to determine how much fat you are holding on your body with respect to non-fat tissue. This can be calculated using either calipers or an electronic hand-held tool.

  5. Pregnancy

    Granted, this type of home health test only applies to about half of the population, but as test kits at home go, this one is pretty popular. Although you will probably want to go to the doctor eventually if your test is positive, a negative result could save you an unnecessary trip.

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About Project Swole - Project Swole is managed and mostly written by Steve, a formerly IFPA and ISSA certified personal trainer and sport nutritionist, who has been studying, practicing, and experimenting with fitness and nutrition since 1992. Please use the content at Project Swole to supplement the advice of your doctor or physician. All medical questions should be directed towards a qualified medical professional, and the advice provided at Project Swole should be used at your own discretion.

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Tags: blood pressure, BMI, health, healthy, home, test


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Dead Accounts, the Broadway play starring Katie Holmes, has ended its run early after receiving mixed-to-poor reviews after opening last month.


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