Saturday 11 August 2012

The Johnson Family: Baby Shower for Melissa

Makell: Buzagna tonight YEA!!!!! aka (Lasagna)


(Gavin killed a fly and Makell goes up to him with really concerned look on her face and tilts her head and say's)
"Gavin why did you kill that little fella? .... Poor little fella!"

"Daddy I have a mosquito in my butt! Can you get me a butt kleenex please!"

"You've arrived at your decimation!" He is trying to copy the GPS! "You've arrived at your destination!" LOL
Makell: "A koon a ma ta ta" "Scooby do do do where art you"


"Look Mom I made a hypothesis" (made a rainbow with all his markers and pencils) I don't think the boy has any idea what that means but it was sure funny to hear him say it!

Kinley: "Mom the world has to many sugary cereals!"

The other night while reading stories to the kids Makell went up to this 2ft Santa and said (holding her hand out) "give me a present!" (In a very sarcastic way while reaching her hand out, then grabbing air) then said "thank you" and ran away. A few min. latter did it again. Then came up to me and did it! She crack's me up!

Funny thing from the past.
When Kinley was 3 year's old I put her in her room in time out one night for saying something mean to me. A few minutes latter I was walking to my room and I could her her singing, I go closer to hear what it was and I burst out laughing she was singing "It's to late to apologize.... it's to LLLAAATTTEEE" (by justin timberlake) I just didn't want to forget this one!

Taking a walk last night and Gavin points to 3 boys outside playing and say's " Look at those fella's!" Where does he pick this stuff up? lol


Nnnirror, Nnnirror on the wall who's the fairest one of all?


(singing) belly button ah, ah belly button ah, ah


I'm wearing a white shirt, white shorts, white socks and white underwear, I'm all matching!


& Gavin:
Mommy will you Snug us in bed! (aka: Tuck them in bed)


Gavin did you find what you were looking for?
Gavin: Yes it was tricking me up & hiding!

Me: Gavin why are you wearing that?
Gavin: Z-cause I like it! (We're a little French around here) LOL!!!!!

Kinley can't say Oreo, she say's Ore-L

Me: Makell you can't have that right now!
Makell: You butt Mommy
Me: (As fast as I can) "TON"
Makell: (even more up set now, & screaming it) You BUTT Mommy!!!
Me: "TON" (calmly)

Maybe one day she will get the whole word (BUTTON)
I can wish right!


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