Thursday 28 June 2012

Prison ? How The Illuminati Controls The Music Industry

Elijah says:

Is it a society, a way, an entity? None, it is more of a cognition? Moving about through time? Now, being forced to do it in secrecy? Meaning to illuminate the way. It is a way that is in the few of man. It is what many want but cannot reach.
The multitudes cannot live with it and do not know how to live with it. For that, man cannot make decisions nor can man think for himself anymore. [The Statue of Liberty may have been created to desecrate an Illuminati.]. (Illuminati; [I l?omi n?atee] ? Group claiming enlightenment; any one of various groups of people in history claiming to have received special religious or spiritual enlightenment, especially an 18th-century German secret society with deist ? [belief in the existence of a supreme being] and republican ideas. The name was also applied to several groups in 18th ? century France, a group of religious enthusiasts ? [a person with intense and visionary Christian views] in 16th-century Spain, and the Rosicrucian?s ? [a member of an international organization concerned with esoteric - {intended for or understood by only an initiated few} wisdom derived from ancient mystical and philosophical doctrines].).
Illuminati: to illuminate the way; to enlighten, shed light on, to prophesy, make clear, to solve, to clarify, to straighten out, to sort out, to be instructive, helpful, and educational, to be revealing, and informative. Does this sound like an entity that should be feared by all of man? This a way that was set forth to protect all of man from the clutches of the Papacy and its Vatican? To protect man from the very darkness (wickedness/iniquities) that has engulfed the masses? The Illuminati is virtuous and of a Republic origin. And, why does the church so dread it? Were the Illuminati created or came about to keep the churches from becoming what they have come to be this day, ?Wolves in sheep?s clothing??
This day, since the Illuminati no longer seems to exist in numbers; the churches have become nothing other than babble, open just long enough to collect your monies. The church no longer offers any Righteous salvation. ?If a man killed another and realized what he had done, and he decided to seek salvation from the church, could he do this? For that, is there not a church anywhere upon God?s earth that would give him this salvation without giving this man up to the strong arm of the law??
This day, many groups, societies, organizations, and even individuals themselves, are going about stating that the Illuminati is controlling the world. From what I perceive, this is not true or we would not be in the biblical shambles that we are now in. Find the antonym for Illuminati and that is what has been in control for many centuries to date. Several such words come to mind, Acheronian, meaning dark or the darkness. And Stygian, meaning pitch black. Chthonian, Plutonian and Tartarean meaning infernal regions of the underworld.? The Chthonian, Plutonian and Tartarean societies, such as the Scull and Bones, Freemason, and many others like them, have been in this control that you speak of. For that, this is also what I mean when I see the darkness. ?THE DEEP PITCH BLACK EVIL OF MAN!?
I now challenge the Papacy and its Vatican. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest of the cults with a following of a billion plus. Just how many souls do you plan to send to the lake of fire because of your esoteric beliefs? Why do you not battle against what is going on? I am not referring to battle with a sword but to battle verbally.
Do you all think that this is a battle to see just who is the most Righteous church? If so, you all are going to lose; just about every denomination, group, society, entity, belief, culture, so on and so forth.
Jew is the only religion that is not cult like and it is the religion of the Hebrews. All others are like that of a cult or at the least, cult based.
Christianity was supposed to be the religion for those following in the same exact footsteps as the Jewish religion. Obeying the same laws. Loving the same Father.
When the Christ made the comment about the old laws of Moses, he was referring to the law of the Prophets. ?An eye for an eye.? In which he interpreted to being quite same as fighting the devil with the devil. Many, this day, have come to think that Joshua meant all of the laws. NO!!! Emmanuel only was referring to the law of the Prophets, circumcism and a few others! In other words, when Ishua stated to turn the other cheek, he was referring just to this law. Do not hit a man back that has hit you, turn the other cheek so that man can hit it also, sending his soul to hell, not yours. And the reason for this is that man has become so wicked, that he no longer can settle for an eye for an eye. Man wants more. And, that is absolute truth. Lawsuits are just one of many fine examples of this. You all chose this gentile life of the mammon way, now you shall individually pay for it.
There are so many variations and denominations of the church, that it is pert near impossible to keep up with all of them. All now having their own bibles and their own beliefs and their own ways. It does not matter what name that you wish to be called, being Roman Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah Witness, Presbyterian, Mormon, Mennonite, Amish, so on and so forth, it is the laws and commandments of the Lord thy God that we all are supposed to be obeying every moment of each and every day and loving God and each other with all of our hearts, minds, and souls.
I have never owned a home, or any land. I wish not to trespass against the Lord.
I have tried to never own more than what I could carry in a single load/trip. For that, I wish my treasures to be in heaven waiting on me. [I only have a small backpack with a couple changes of clothes, and a few other odds and ends].
People are certified at birth, they receive a number, and they receive a governmental ID. At the age of eighteen, many are forced to have a military number, or you would be arrested. A number that states that you could be drafted in the event that the federation so fit. Many more forms of ID?s follow. And, just to think, it only takes one mark to condemn your soul.
?The wrong flag is flying!!!? [A flag with 50 pentagrams and of diver colors is flying. (A nation?s flag should be that of only one color with its emblem upon it). Divers? colors are any material that is multi and vividly colored, such as camouflage, plaid, tartan, rainbow, variegated, polychrome, iridescent, flecked, mottled, colorful, monochrome, fluorescent, etc.]. There is only one simple solution left, throw every thing upon the ground and simply just walk away from it all in the name of God. If the multitudes were to do this, the beast would simply just dry up and die. But, it will take the multitudes to do this.

Things and words that have been hi-jacked throughout the years:
The Swastika was an emblem that originally stood for Peace, Love and Tranquility. Adolph Hitler adopted it and he used it to persuade the people into following him. Adolph had the people believing that he was for peace until he had their total support. And, this was not and would not be the last time that something was perverted to mean other.
The Rainbow is another emblem that has been kidnapped and raped by the abominable. The Rainbow is a symbol of a promise from God that he would never flood the earth again in its entirety to kill all living flesh. This day, the homosexuals have adopted it as their symbol.
The word gay is another. Once meaning glee, happy and joyous. This day, the first thought in most man?s minds when they hear the word gay is a homosexual male. There are many more phrases, symbols and words that have been changed to satisfy the new millennium.
Illuminati being another, and all of these false churches fear it.

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